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Re:fream awarded project!

Re-Think Manufacturing

About the project

Yokai started as a research project with the aim of bringing back clothing production to Europe. This is made possible through the creation of a new digital based process for local customization and garment production by developing completely new methods for fashion design. As history shows, every new technical innovation has led to new aesthetics and silhouettes. As designers we shape these new silhouettes according to our vision, to create a new design language and we want to invite other designers to do that with us. Our long term goal is to build a robot based automated manufacturing system, which enables the local production of customized clothes.


More Infos about the Re:fream Award:


Yokai Team

We believe that design is a combination of functionality and innovative forward-thinking methods, that can reveal new looks of fashion products but at the same time it should face the issues that we are challenging in the 21st century. This way of thinking gives us the opportunity to confront problems from different angles and is the result of the artistic and technical background of the Yokai team members and co-founders Michael and Viktor. The main goal of the Yokai Team is to combine new technology with well-known techniques for the creation of designs in new and exciting ways.

A precise customized clothes system.

Yokai-Studios talk in Saudi Arabia

Robotic manufacturing technology.

LT1 Television

Linz angelt sich EU-Projekt

Linz angelt sich EU-Projekt in Höhe von 4 Mio. Euro. So sieht die Mode der Zukunft aus.

Creative Region Linz & Upper Austria | Kunstuniversität Linz

Gepostet von LT1 OÖ am Mittwoch, 20. Februar 2019


We look forward to support your vision with our 3d-based customized clothes system, or our realistic 3d animations for fashion and promotion.


In our research, we use new technologies for creating designs in new and exciting ways.

Visit us on Instagram

Follow us on Instagram if you want to see more about us our designs and our art pieces. We love to share our ideas and inspirations with you and the rest of this colourful world.

Watch our videos on Vimeo

You want to see more of our videos, project documentation, animations or VR projects? So visit or follow us also on Vimeo. You want to share some of your Videos or write us? Great! You are very welcome!

Press and Infos

Tanween Festival

YOKAI Studios GmbH is company and collective which is focused in research and the use of new technologies to design, show and produce garments and fashion accessories. As both of the founders got an artistic and technical background, they combine their knowledge to create garments in automated, local and sustainable ways, through the use of industrial robots.

#3 Yokai

Michael Wieser ist Student der Studienrichtung Fashion & Technology der Linzer Kunstuniversität, die es seit drei Jahren gibt. Wieser ist also ein junger Mann der ersten Stunde und ein praktisch veranlagter Typ. Denn er befasst sich mit Viktor Weichselbaumer und seinem Studienkollegen Simon mit der Frage, wie man “mit der Technologie des 21. Jahrhunderts den Modezyklus vom Design- bis zum Produktionsprozess neu denken” kann.

#3 Yokai

Weichselbaumer ist der Mann der “physikalischen Simulation”, der das filmische Handwerk beherrscht. Das Projekt hat den Namen Yokai, das japanische Wort für Formenwandler. “Nach eineinhalb Jahren des Tüftelns fühlen wir uns bereit, etwas zu zeigen”, sagt Wieser…..


Ein Hemd ganz nach unserer Kragenweite! Studenten der Kunstuni Linz stellen mittels 3D-Design und Robotik maßgefertigte Hemden her.

“Das besondere am Hemd ist, dass es aus 3D-Scan heraus entwickelt wird und die Nähte die sonst in Billiglohnländern per Hand gemacht werden, per Robotik vorgenommen werden”, so Viktor Weichselbaumer. Er ist einer von drei Kunst-Unistudenten, die unter dem Namen “YOKAI”…


The Future of Fashion is Digital.

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What’s the problem facing fashion designers?

In our opinion, the most important thing that needs changing is the mindset of the new generation of designers. Fashion design today is a slow, manual process that doesn’t match the needs or methods of creative types.   And sewing and assembly will also not be able to continue the way that it used to.  Digitization will get rid of a lot of the old steps we use….

Watch our Vimeo Videos

Fashion Presentation Trailer

LT1 Television

Hosen, Hemden, Kleider. Ganz alltägliche Gewandstücke. In Zukunft könnten die aber mehr sein als nur kleidsam. Sondern intelligent. Und die Landeshauptstadt könnte einen wesentlichen Beitrag zur Mode der Zukunft leisten.